Land Acquisition, Resumption and Compensation Valuations
What is Land Acquisition in Western Australia (WA)?
Government agencies within Western Australia (WA) are empowered under the Land Administrative Act 1997 (WA) to enter and/or take any privately owned land for public work purposes such as roads or infrastructure. This process can be done without the consent of the owner as a compulsory acquisition. The Act allows for a framework to determine a compensation amount for the acquisition from the Titleholder.
Why are Land Acquisition, Resumption and Compensation Valuations needed?
When a Government Authority or a land owner are unable to negotiate an agreement for the acquisition of the land, often a valuation from a licensed valuer is required to determine the market value.
Why is PWE Property Consultants and Valuers the best option for your Land Acquisition, Resumption and Compensation Valuations?
We have extensive experience in Land Acquisition, Resumption and Compensation Valuations and have a solid understanding in the requirements under the Act. We have been active in this area of valuations for several decades within Western Australia and have a thorough understanding of the valuation process. We also are experienced in the negotiation processes that may be required after the valuation is completed.
Contact us directly to discuss your land acquisition, resumption and compensation valuation requirements
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